• Saunas
  • Infrared
  • Steam
  • Baths and Whirlpools
  • Spa Furniture
  • Wellness Shower
  • Cold Wellness
Dutch producer since 1966

A infrared sauna is a unique form of heat therapy that is becoming increasingly popular. Unlike traditional saunas, which work with hot air, an infrared sauna uses infrared radiation to heat the body directly. This innovative technology offers a range of health and wellness benefits.

Definition of an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna is an enclosed space in which infrared heat is used to heat the body. Instead of heating the surrounding air, as in a traditional sauna, the infrared panels focus their energy directly on the body. This heat penetrates deep into the tissues and stimulates various physiological processes.

How does an infrared sauna work?

The operating principle of an infrared sauna is based on the properties of infrared radiation. This form of electromagnetic radiation has a longer wavelength than visible light and can penetrate the skin without significantly heating the surrounding air. The infrared panels in the sauna emit this heat, which is then absorbed by the body. This leads to an increase in body temperature and a range of beneficial physiological responses.

Differences between a traditional sauna and an infrared sauna

The main difference between a traditional sauna and an infrared sauna is the way heat is transferred. Traditional saunas heat the air, so the heat reaches the body indirectly. Infrared saunas, on the other hand, focus heat directly on the body, allowing the heat to penetrate deeper into the tissues. In addition, infrared saunas can be used at lower temperatures, which may be more comfortable for some people.

Key Takeaways


Improved blood circulation

The infrared heat in an infrared sauna has a significant impact on blood circulation. Due to the deeper penetration of heat into the body, blood vessels are dilated, improving blood flow. This leads to increased oxygen supply to the tissues and has positive effects on cardiovascular health.

How infrared heat dilates blood vessels
When the body is exposed to the infrared heat in a sauna, blood vessels respond by dilating. This vasodilation is caused by stimulating the production of nitric oxide, an important vasodilator. This allows the blood vessels to expand, increasing blood flow and improving oxygen supply to the tissues.

Improved oxygen supply to tissues
The increased blood circulation resulting from the infrared heat improves oxygenation to the various tissues in the body. This is especially important for organs and muscles, which benefit from the increased oxygen supply. This improved oxygenation can lead to increased energy production and better overall physical function.

Positive effects on cardiovascular health
Research has shown that regular use of an infrared sauna can have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health. The improved blood circulation and oxygen supply can help lower blood pressure, improve heart function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, infrared heat can increase the flexibility of blood vessels, which benefits overall cardiovascular health.

Pain relief and muscle relaxation

The deeper penetration of infrared heat into the body also has a positive effect on muscles. By increasing blood flow and heating muscle tissue, the infrared sauna can lead to pain relief, reduced muscle tension and improved flexibility.

Deeper penetration of heat into the muscles
Unlike traditional saunas, infrared heat penetrates deeper into muscle tissue. This deeper heat penetration stimulates blood circulation in the muscles, improving oxygen and nutrient delivery. In addition, the heat can promote muscle contraction and relaxation, leading to a reduction in muscle tension.

Reduction of muscle tension and pain
The deeper heat penetration into the muscles can lead to a reduction in muscle tension and pain. The increased blood flow and stimulation of muscle relaxation can help relieve chronic muscle pain, muscle spasms and muscle inflammation. In addition, infrared heat can stimulate the production of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers.

Improving flexibility and mobility
The relaxing effects of infrared heat on muscles can also improve flexibility and mobility. By reducing muscle tension and pain, joints and muscles can move more easily, improving overall range of motion. This can be especially beneficial for people with chronic pain or limited mobility, such as with osteoarthritis or other musculoskeletal conditions.

Improving skin health

The infrared heat in a sauna also has a positive effect on the skin. By stimulating sweat production, toxins and waste products are removed from the body, leading to healthier and more youthful skin.

Stimulation of sweat production
One of the main effects of an infrared sauna is the stimulation of sweat production. The deeper heat penetration into the body activates the sweat glands, allowing the body to eliminate toxins and waste through the skin. This cleansing effect can refresh and rejuvenate the skin.

Cleansing and rejuvenating the skin
The increased sweat production in an infrared sauna helps to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Impurities, dead skin cells and other impurities are effectively removed, which can leave the skin looking fresher and more radiant. In addition, the heat can stimulate blood circulation in the skin, which can lead to improved cell renewal and a more youthful appearance.

Reduction of skin conditions
Research suggests that regular use of an infrared sauna may help reduce certain skin conditions. The cleansing and detoxifying effects may be beneficial for conditions such as acne, eczema and psoriasis. In addition, the heat induction may improve immune function in the skin, making it more resistant to irritation and inflammation.

Immune system support

 Benefits of an infrared sauna for your health
Relief of muscle and joint pain
Improvement of blood circulation
Strengthening the immune system
Detoxification of the body
Stress reduction and relaxation
Improvement of skin condition

In addition to the physical benefits, using an infrared sauna can also support the immune system. The heat induction activates various processes that can improve resistance to germs.

Activation of the immune system
Exposure to the infrared heat in a sauna can stimulate the immune system. The increased body temperature simulates a febrile response, activating the immune system and stimulating the production of white blood cells and antibodies. This reaction can improve overall resistance to infection and disease.

Increasing resistance to germs
Activation of the immune system by infrared heat can lead to increased resistance to germs. Research has shown that regular use of an infrared sauna can help prevent and reduce viral and bacterial infections. This increased resistance can be especially beneficial for people with weakened immune systems.

Potential benefits in chronic conditions
Because of its immune-stimulating effects, it is believed that infrared sauna treatment may also help with certain chronic conditions associated with a weakened immune system. Although more research is needed, some studies suggest that infrared sauna treatment may be potentially beneficial for conditions such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and autoimmune diseases.

Weight management and calorie burning

Another benefit of using an infrared sauna is its potential support in weight management and calorie burning. The increased metabolism during and after a session can lead to increased burning of calories and fat.

Increased metabolism during and after a session
When the body is exposed to the infrared heat in a sauna, the body temperature rises. To maintain this increased temperature, the body must expend additional energy, leading to increased metabolic activity. This increased metabolic activity can persist for several hours after the sauna session.

Burning calories and fat
The increased metabolism resulting from the infrared heat can lead to increased burning of calories and fat. Research has shown that a single sauna session can result in significant calorie burn, similar to a light to moderate workout. This calorie burning can contribute to long-term weight loss and maintenance.

Supporting weight loss and maintenance
Because of its stimulating effects on metabolism and calorie burning, regular use of an infrared sauna can be a valuable complement to a healthy diet and active lifestyle. Infrared heat can help achieve and maintain a healthy weight, especially when combined with other weight management strategies.

Detoxification and cleansing of the body

One of the main benefits of an infrared sauna is its support of the detoxification process. Increased sweat production allows the body to eliminate harmful substances and waste products through the skin, which can contribute to an overall physical cleanliness.

Elimination of pollutants through the skin
During a sauna session, the body is exposed to intense heat, leading to a significant increase in sweat production. This increased sweat secretion allows the body to eliminate various harmful substances, such as heavy metals, chemicals and other toxins, through the skin. This detoxifying effect can contribute to better overall health.

Improvement in overall physical purity
The elimination of pollutants through the skin, combined with the cleansing effects on the skin, can lead to an improvement in overall physical cleanliness. Regular use of an infrared sauna can effectively remove accumulated toxins and waste products, which can contribute to increased energy levels, better immune function and improved overall well-being.

Potential benefits to the liver and kidneys
Although more research is needed, some studies suggest that the detoxifying effects of an infrared sauna may also be beneficial to the liver and kidneys. These organs play a crucial role in the detoxification process, and by reducing their burden, they may be able to function better.

Reduction of stress and improvement of mood

In addition to the physical benefits, using an infrared sauna can also have positive effects on mental health. The relaxing and calming properties of the infrared heat can lead to a reduction in stress and an improvement in mood.

Relaxing and calming effects
The heat induction in an infrared sauna can have a profoundly relaxing and calming effect on the body and mind. The increased body temperature can lead to a reduction in muscle tension, a reduction in heart rate and a decrease in stress hormones. These effects can contribute to a sense of overall calm and relaxation.

Reduction of anxiety and depressive feelings
Research suggests that regular use of an infrared sauna can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. The calming and stress-reducing effects may improve mood and may also be beneficial for people with mild to moderate forms of anxiety or mood disorders.

Improved sleep quality and energy levels
The relaxing and calming effects of an infrared sauna can also improve sleep quality and energy levels. By reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being, people who regularly use an infrared sauna can sleep better and experience more energy during the day.

Recommendations for using an infrared sauna

To take full advantage of the benefits of an infrared sauna, it is important to use the proper frequency and duration of sessions, take safety considerations into account and integrate the treatment into a healthy lifestyle.

Frequency and duration of sessions
Experts generally recommend an infrared sauna session of 20 to 40 minutes 2 to 3 times a week. However, duration and frequency may vary depending on individual factors such as health status, goals and tolerance to the heat. It is important to listen to your body and take seriously any symptoms of overheating, such as dizziness or nausea. It is always wise to consult with a physician before beginning regular infrared sauna sessions, especially if you have certain medical conditions or are taking medications that may affect heat.

A steam room, also known as a steam chamber or steam room, is a special space in which people can enjoy the beneficial effects of hot, humid air. In this room, water is heated to boiling point, creating a dense, warm vapor that envelops the users. The purpose of a steam bath is to cleanse, relax and heal the body.

A steam room, also known as a steam room or steam room, is a special space in which people can enjoy the beneficial effects of hot, humid air. In this room, water is heated to boiling point, creating a dense, warm vapor that envelops the users. The purpose of a steam bath is to cleanse, relax and heal the body.

The history and origins of steam baths go way back. Steam baths have been used for centuries in various cultures around the world, including Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and Asian countries. These traditional baths were often used for ritual cleansing, social interaction and healing. Over time, steam baths have evolved into a popular form of wellness and relaxation in modern societies.

There are different types of steam baths, each with its own characteristics and benefits. Some steam baths are dry and have a higher temperature, while others have higher humidity. Some steam baths are small and intimate, while others are larger and can accommodate several users at once. Regardless of the type of steam bath, they all aim to help users relax, cleanse and enjoy the beneficial effects of the warm, moist air.

The benefits of a steam bath for relaxation

A steam bath offers numerous physical benefits that contribute to relaxation. The increased blood circulation caused by the heat and humidity in the steam room helps relax muscles and joints. This can lead to a reduction in muscle pain and fatigue, allowing the body to recover better.

In addition to the physical benefits, a steam room also offers mental and emotional benefits. The heat and humidity in the steam room can reduce stress and anxiety, leaving the user feeling calmer and more relaxed. In addition, using a steam bath can improve mood and promote a sense of overall well-being.

It is important to note that the relaxing effects of a steam bath depend not only on the physical environment, but also on how the user behaves in the steam room. Surrendering completely to the experience, for example, by breathing intently and meditating, can further enhance the relaxing effects.

How a steam bath can reduce stress

The heat and humidity in a steam room have a direct effect on the body and mind. The increased temperature in the steam room stimulates blood circulation, which relaxes muscles and reduces tension in the body. In addition, the vapor in the air can open the airways, making breathing easier and leaving the user feeling calmer and more relaxed.

However, the effect of steam on the body goes beyond the physical aspects. The heat and humidity in the steam room can also have a calming and relaxing effect on the mind. The sensory experience of the warm, moist air can help focus the mind and direct attention inward, reducing stress and tension.

In addition, using a steam bath can have a positive impact on the body's hormonal balance. The heat and relaxation experienced in the steam room can lead to a reduction in stress hormones, such as cortisol. This, in turn, can contribute to an improved sense of well-being and a reduced experience of stress.

The ideal temperature and duration for a steam bath

The optimal temperature for a steam bath is usually between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius. This temperature is hot enough to provide a comfortable, relaxing experience, but not so hot that it becomes uncomfortable or even dangerous. It is important to adjust the temperature according to the user's individual preferences and tolerance.

The recommended duration for a steam bath is usually between 10 and 20 minutes. This duration provides enough time to experience the benefits of the heat and humidity without putting too much strain on the body. However, again, the duration can be adjusted according to the user's individual needs and tolerance.

Several factors can influence the ideal temperature and duration for a steam bath, such as the user's age, health and physical condition. People with certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure, should take extra care and may choose shorter sessions or lower temperatures. It is always advisable to consult with a physician before using a steam bath.

Tips for maximizing the relaxing effects

To maximize the relaxing effects of a steam bath, it is important to prepare properly. Prior to the steam bath, it may help to do light exercise, such as stretching or yoga, to prepare the muscles for the heat and humidity.

During the steam bath, it is important to completely surrender to the experience. Try to focus your attention on your breathing and the sensations in your body. Also consider using aromatic oils or herbs, which can enhance the relaxing effects.

After the steam bath, it is important to take time to slowly cool down and recover. Take time to dry off and put on your clothes, and consider taking a cold or lukewarm bath to stimulate circulation. Following this, it may help to rest or meditate to retain the relaxing effects.

By combining these pre-, during- and post-treatment activities, you can maximize the relaxing effects of a steam bath and achieve a deeper state of rest and well-being.

Steam baths for people with health problems

Steam baths can also provide benefits for people with certain health conditions, if used with care. For people with conditions such as asthma, bronchitis or COPD, the warm, moist air in the steam room can ease the airways and make breathing easier.

In addition, steam baths can also be beneficial for people with rheumatic conditions, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. The heat and humidity can improve blood circulation and reduce pain and stiffness in joints.

However, people with certain health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure or diabetes, should take extra care when using steam baths. In some cases, the heat can aggravate symptoms or even be dangerous. Therefore, it is always advisable to consult with a doctor beforehand about the suitability and safety of using a steam bath.

Combining a steam bath with other wellness activities

A steam bath can be integrated into a broader wellness routine to enhance its relaxing effects. By combining the steam bath with other wellness activities, such as massage, yoga or meditation, users can benefit from a more holistic approach to relaxation and well-being.

For example, after a steam bath, a massage can further relax muscles and stimulate blood circulation. Or, prior to the steam bath, a session of yoga or meditation can prepare the mind for deeper relaxation in the steam room.

Other complementary activities may include using aromatic oils or herbs, drinking herbal teas or taking a cold or lukewarm bath after the steam bath. By combining these different elements, users can have a more holistic and enriching wellness experience.

Creating a steam bath at home

For those who want to enjoy the benefits of a steam bath on a regular basis, it may be worthwhile to install a home steam bath. When designing and installing a home steam bath, there are several factors to consider.

First, it is important to choose the right room, which is large enough and can be well insulated to maintain heat and humidity. It is also necessary to consider the placement of the steam generator, ventilation and access to water.

When designing the steam room itself, it is important to consider things like the right materials, lighting, seating and any extras such as aromatic oils or music. Maintenance and safety of the home steam room should also be included in the planning.

With careful installation and design, users can enjoy the benefits of a steam bath at home without depending on public facilities.


A steam bath is a great way to reduce stress and relax after a long day. It is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years in different cultures around the world. It is a form of heat therapy that is not only good for the skin, but also for the mind. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of a steam bath for stress reduction, as well as how it works and tips for making the most of a steam bath.

The benefits of a steam bath for stress reduction

A steam bath has many benefits when it comes to reducing stress. First, the heat of the steam bath helps relax muscles and improve circulation, which in turn can help reduce tension and stress in the body. In addition, inhaling steam can help open the airways and improve breathing, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, taking a steam bath can promote a sense of calm and tranquility, which can help to relax the mind and reduce stress. In short, a steam bath can be a great way to reduce both physical and mental stress.

How does a steam bath work to reduce stress?

A steam bath works to reduce stress through several mechanisms. First, the heat of the steam bath helps relax muscles and improve circulation, which can help reduce tension and stress in the body. In addition, inhaling steam can help open the airways and improve breathing, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. In addition, taking a steam bath can promote a sense of calm and tranquility, which can help to relax the mind and reduce stress. In short, a steam bath works in several ways to reduce both physical and mental stress.

Tips for making the most of a steam bath

To take full advantage of a steam bath for stress reduction, there are a few tips you can follow. First, it is important to take plenty of time to relax in the steam room and not be in a rush. Take time to take deep breaths and let go of your thoughts. In addition, you can choose to add essential oils to the steam bath, such as lavender or eucalyptus, which are known for their relaxing properties. Furthermore, it is important to drink plenty of water before and after taking a steam bath to stay hydrated. Finally, you can choose to do meditation or breathing exercises while in the steam bath to further relax your mind.

The history of steam baths and their relationship to stress reduction

Steam baths have a long history dating back thousands of years. They were originally used in ancient cultures such as the Romans, Greeks and Turks as part of their bathing rituals. In these cultures, steam baths were used not only for hygienic purposes, but also as social gathering places and for therapeutic purposes. Over the centuries, steam baths have continued to evolve and are still used in various cultures around the world. In many cultures, steam baths are seen as a way to promote both physical and mental health, including reducing stress.

Different types of steam baths and their effect on stress

There are several types of steam baths, each with its own unique effect on stress reduction. A traditional steam bath, also known as a Turkish bath or hammam, uses steam produced by pouring water onto hot stones. This type of steam bath is known for its relaxing and cleansing effects, which can help reduce stress. There are also modern steam baths that use steam generators to produce steam. These modern steam baths can be adjusted to different temperatures and humidity levels, which can make them effective in reducing stress.

Scientific evidence for the stress-reducing effects of steam baths

There is scientific evidence showing that steam baths can help reduce stress. Research has shown that exposure to heat, such as that found in a steam bath, can help lower levels of stress hormones in the body. In addition, inhaling steam can help improve breathing and lower blood pressure, which can help reduce stress. In addition, studies have shown that regular exposure to heat therapy, such as that in a steam bath, can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Combining a steam bath with other relaxation techniques for maximum stress reduction

To take maximum advantage of the stress-relieving effects of a steam bath, you can choose to combine it with other relaxation techniques. For example, you can choose to do meditation or breathing exercises while in the steam bath to further relax your mind. In addition, you can choose to add essential oils to the steam bath, such as lavender or eucalyptus, which are known for their relaxing properties. Furthermore, you can choose to have a massage or yoga exercises after taking a steam bath to further relax your muscles and calm your mind. In short, by combining a steam bath with other relaxation techniques, you can take maximum advantage of its stress-relieving effects.

In this article, we discussed how a steam bath can be a great way to reduce stress and relax after a long day. We discussed the benefits of a steam bath for stress reduction, how it works and tips for making the most of it. We also looked at the history of steam baths and their relationship to stress reduction, different types of steam baths and their effect on stress, scientific evidence for their stress-reducing effects, and how to combine a steam bath with other relaxation techniques for maximum stress reduction. In short, a steam bath can be a great way to reduce both physical and mental stress and unwind.


At a time when wellness and self-care are receiving increasing attention, it is not surprising that more and more people are discovering the benefits of having a sauna at home. Having your own sauna not only offers the convenience of privacy and accessibility, but also brings with it numerous health benefits. In this blog article, we discuss the top 10 benefits of having a sauna in your own home and provide additional insight into each of these benefits.

Convenience and privacy

One of the biggest advantages of a home sauna is convenience. You don't have to make appointments or travel; your own wellness oasis is always available at your convenience. Moreover, you enjoy complete privacy without worrying about the presence of others. You can plan your sauna sessions around your schedule, making it an ideal solution for busy professionals or families. You have the freedom to develop your own rituals and routines without being disturbed.

Stress Reduction

Sauna visits are a great way to relax and reduce stress. The heat helps relax muscles, reduces physical pain and promotes a deep sense of calm. Stress has numerous negative effects on the body, including increased blood pressure and decreased immune function. By using a sauna regularly, you can counteract these negative effects. The sauna provides a place where you can escape the daily hustle and bustle and completely unwind.

Improved sleep quality

Regular sauna sessions can lead to improved sleep quality. The relaxation that follows a sauna session helps your body prepare for a deep and restful sleep. A good night's sleep is essential for body recovery and brain function. The increased body temperature during a sauna session, followed by rapid cooling, can help regulate internal body temperature, contributing to a deeper sleep pattern.


Sweating in the sauna can help eliminate toxins from the body. The intense heat opens the pores, allowing the body to naturally eliminate waste products. This process can help remove heavy metals, alcohol, nicotine and other harmful substances from the body. Detoxification through sweating can also contribute to an overall sense of well-being and vitality by reducing the burden on the liver and kidneys.

Improve skin health

Deep cleansing during a sauna session can also benefit the skin. Removing dead skin cells and stimulating the production of new skin cells leaves your skin looking fresher and healthier. In addition, the improved blood circulation from the heat can increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, which helps reduce acne and other skin problems. Regular sauna use can lead to radiant and youthful skin.

Increased immunity

Regular sauna use can boost the immune system. White blood cell production is increased, which helps fight infections and illnesses. This can be especially helpful during the winter months, when colds and flu are more common. Alternating between heat and cold, such as taking a cold shower after the sauna, can further boost immunity by training the body to respond quickly to temperature changes.

Pain relief

Heat is a proven means of relieving various types of physical pain, including pain from arthritis, muscle aches or pains after exercise. The heat of the sauna can help relax stiff and aching muscles, reduce inflammation and promote blood circulation to painful areas. This makes a sauna a valuable tool for people suffering from chronic pain or recovering from injuries.

Improved circulation

The heat of the sauna temporarily increases the heart rate and improves blood circulation. This can help reduce risks of cardiovascular disease. Improved circulation means that oxygenated blood is pumped through the body more efficiently, contributing to better overall health. In addition, the increased heart rate in the sauna can act as a light cardiovascular exercise, which is especially beneficial for people who are unable to engage in intense physical activity.

Social interaction

Although you are in the privacy of your own home, a sauna also provides an opportunity to create a relaxing social environment. Invite friends or family to relax together. This can strengthen the bond with your loved ones and foster a sense of community. Using the sauna together can also be a fun and unique way to celebrate special occasions or just spend quality time with those you love.

Increased home value

Adding a sauna to your home can increase the value of your property. It is an attractive feature for prospective buyers, should you ever decide to sell. A well-designed and well-maintained sauna can add an element of luxury to your home, making it a more attractive offering on the real estate market. This makes it not only an investment in your health and well-being, but also a wise financial decision.

Additional benefits

In addition to the aforementioned benefits, there are other, more subtle ways in which a home sauna can improve your life. For example, regular exposure to heat can contribute to improved mental clarity and focus. This is because the relaxation and stress reduction you experience in the sauna can help calm your mind and improve your ability to concentrate.

Saunas can also play an important role in weight management. While not a substitute for exercise and a healthy diet, the increased heart rate and sweating in the sauna can help burn calories. In addition, the relaxing effect of a sauna session can help you better manage stress, which is often a factor in emotional eating and weight gain.

Types of Saunas and Their Specific Benefits.

There are several types of saunas you can install at home, each with their own unique benefits:

Traditional Finnish Sauna

This type of sauna uses a wood stove or electric heater to heat stones, which then pour water to create steam. Temperatures can reach 90°C or more, providing intense heat and deep sweating.

Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas use infrared emitters to heat the skin directly without heating the air around it. This type of sauna operates at lower temperatures (around 50-60°C) and is often better tolerated by people who have difficulty with the heat of a traditional sauna. Infrared saunas are effective for muscle pain and joint stiffness, and they can also help improve circulation.

Steam room

Steam rooms operate at lower temperatures (around 40-50°C) but have very high humidity (close to 100%). This type of sauna is particularly beneficial for the respiratory system and can help relieve symptoms of colds, bronchitis and asthma.
