• Saunas
  • Infrared
  • Steam
  • Baths and Whirlpools
  • Spa Furniture
  • Wellness Shower
  • Cold Wellness
Dutch producer since 1966
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Johan Cruijff Arena | Amsterdam

The need for elite athletes to recover has become increasingly important in recent years, due to the increase in intensity.

Cleopatra has been providing high-quality wellness solutions to various top athletes and sports clubs since 1966. One of the newest ways to recover in the Cool Down Room - in sub-zero temperatures, muscles recover faster. The dry cold efficiently cools the entire body and provides a gentler, more pleasant experience than exposure to cold water or ice. Although the time you spend in a plunge pool is necessarily short, the longer period of exposure to cold that a Cool Down Room provides allows the heart rate to return to its normal rate in a slow and more controlled manner.



Johan Cruijff Boulevard 1
P.O. Box 22981
1100 DL Amsterdam