Salt therapy has been around for centuries and is still relevant today; with good reason This activity can help improve lung health, depression and anxiety.
The first halotherapy device was developed in 1980 by the Odesa Science Research Institute. The machine (halogenerator) was designed for grinding and grinding salt and releasing the particles into the air to mimic an underground salt mine environment.
Halotherapy, or salt therapy, is an activity that involves inhaling microscopic salt particles that are said to improve lung problems such as asthma, bronchitis and cough. There are two types of halotherapy chambers; active and passive.
This chamber uses a machine called a halogenerator. A halogenerator is a machine that grinds salt into microscopic particles and releases them into the air of a room. The salt particles are claimed to absorb irritants, including allergens and toxins, from the airways, improving overall lung health.
Unlike active salt chambers, this chamber does not have a halogen generator. Instead, passive chambers are filled with various types of salt panels, such as Himalayan Salt Wall panels. These passive salt chambers are often designed to control the environment by regulating airflow, humidity and temperature to allow for an allergenic and polluting environment.
When you inhale dry salt particles deep into your lungs, your airways absorb them. This process cleanses the harmful particles that cause your airways to narrow and makes it easier to breathe. This is why doctors recommend halotherapy as a "bonus" for people who have asthma.
Salt is a remarkable natural antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral agent. This is why it was used as a preservative in the past. When salt enters your lungs, it dehydrates bacteria; without water, bacteria cannot function properly and eventually die.
Inflammation occurs when white blood cells try to protect the body from bacteria, infection or other foreign organisms. Salt is an excellent anti-inflammatory because it can clean toxins from your nasal cavities and airways, reducing swelling.
Salt can help stabilize skin PH levels and improve skin regeneration and elasticity. In addition, halotherapy can help reduce skin conditions such as dermatitis, acne and rashes.
Inhaled microscopic salt particles flood the body with negative ions. Negative ions cause a biochemical reaction that increases the level of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin, known as the "feel-good chemical," is in charge of our mood. Higher levels of serotonin help alleviate depression and relieve stress and anxiety.
Although halotherapy is considered safe and effective for preventive and restorative health care, it is not a medical treatment and does not offer a cure. You should consult your doctor about whether halotherapy is appropriate for you if you have fever, open wounds, cancer, severe high blood pressure, mental illness, active tuberculosis or if you are pregnant.